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The Forgotten Child

I haven't talked much about my other child. Gypsy. No, I didn't name my other daughter after a stripper, she's a cat.  She's black and white and our first child.  When I met Darren I already had Gypsy. She was, after all, my child from a previous marriage.

I got her at the ASPCA in Knoxville when she was 10 weeks old and just fixed. Her mother had her in the wall of a building where she was cut out of the wall and rescued along with her brothers and sisters. I knew when I saw that face that she was my kitty.

Although after Stella was born she's kind of gone on the back burner. Poor thing. She is still such a huge part of my life though. Who wakes up with me every feeding, Gypsy. Who was home all day with me during maternity leave, Gypsy. Who took naps with me in the middle of the afternoon when Stella was sleeping, Gypsy. She's kind of been my therapist. The one I could look at when Stella was crying and I didn't know what to do. Funny thing is, she usually looked at me with this "fuck if I know" face which always made me laugh and somehow feel better about myself. We learned together. Gypsy randomly smells Stella and will watch her while she's playing in her gym but really isn't too excited by her.

Many people told me that I would want Stella sleeping in the same room as Darren and me for the first few weeks so we set up our pack and play in our room ready for the day we brought her home. After having Stella in the same room with us at the hospital we decided that was a bad idea. We kept freaking out every time she moved, breathed, farted or just slept so having her in our room would affirm no sleep for all. (Plus we have a monitor so it's not like we were leaving her completely alone). I digrest.  We still have yet to move the pack and play out of our room but someone has decided the changing table is a perfect bed. This is where I found Gypsy the other day.
So here's to you my first child. The one who taught me patience, unconditional love and how to stare at people and make them feel inferior. Gotta love cats. :-)


  1. Hilarious. The new bed really is the perfect size for her. I love the pics of her, but I would also appreciate a few of the Stella bug. thanks.

  2. I second the comment above about Stella pics :) And Gypsy looks like our old cat P-Nut (named 4 the bass player of 311). I found him in a dumpster and he was my baby. Unfortunately he bit Marlie - and the 3rd time he did it we had to find a new home - luckily MN had a lot of no kill shelters - becuz his dumpster days just made him a little too crazy to anyone but me. I had to hold Marlie tight the day I let him go - becuz she was the only person I would put in front of him (Jayson didn't even count!!) I love that Gypsy doesn't mind Stella :) Its awesome to have your cat there by your side!!!!


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