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That's a Real Baby!

Darren and I got to see our little baby this week! He/she is measuring 13 weeks and 1 day and everything looked healthy. This picture cracks me up because the baby looks like it's pouting because we woke it up.  We did though, the tech was pushing on my belly like I do when I'm trying to get into pair of jeans that are too small!  Baby Hawk wouldn't move! Enter the Kashi cereal bar.  I hadn't eaten in nearly 4 hours (the appointment was VERY long) so I ate my Kashi bar that I always keep in my purse for ultrasound emergencies. BOOM, baby Hawk was wiggling and sucking and even looked like he/she was sucking it's thumb! Yes, this is indeed my baby, I go nuts for food too!
I do think the profile looks like Darren though. Darren makes this cute pouty face when he's being funny.  So, the mystery is solved, this is Darren's baby. Whew, we were wondering. I'm totally kidding people!
This picture is sort of creepy to me but I must share my 3-D picture. It looks like the baby's sucking it's thumb which I find so cute! I sucked my fingers until I got chicken pox and my mother told me I would get chicken pox in my mouth if I didn't stop. I was 15, no actually I was 5 I think. If this baby is truly a thumb sucker I'm screwed because there's a vaccine for chicken pox now! So many high class problems these days.

This is me at the end of week 13. I know, I just look like I've eaten a lot of Krispy Kreme donuts but as evidenced from the pictures above, that profile is actually in there! As my cousin Erin said "Science is so cool". I have to add "God is pretty amazing too!"   Oh and I don't normally have straight hair but I went to get a cut this day and my hairdresser always straightens it.  She's awesome! If I ever win the lottery I am having her move in with me to do my hair and tell me dirty jokes.


  1. THAT IS A REAL BABY!!!!!! Your Aunt Cole loves you, little girl! ;)

  2. Or boy. I really want to 100% commit to being like, this is a girl! So, when it is a girl, we can tell her for her entire life how her Aunt Nicole just knew the whole time. But, if it is a boy, and he reads this one day, I will feel really bad. So, I am adding- Your Aunt Cole loves you, little boy!

    *Please be a girl, so I can be right. Thank you.*

  3. You look great, Emily! Baby bump, of course, but I have never seen your hair straight and it is super cute.

    I hope you don't mind if I follow your blog since we have actually only met a few times, but between Erin and the twins I feel like I know you much better than I really do.

    Congrats on the baby!!

  4. awwwww sweet baby! I am so excited for you both. Also, your hair looks really great straight (of course, it looks great curly, too). Also also, you look so good! pregnancy apparently agrees with you! I am going to side with nicole and say girl, too. I picture you as a "boy mom," which I also thought I was. Since I had a girl and it has been the best thing ever, I think you are having a girl, too!

  5. Congrats!!! I love baby's first picture. And you look awesome! i'm with you about the hairdresser thing - why don't bathrooms come equipped with them? So excited about the blog!

  6. Congratulations to you and Darren.. I am so excited for everyone.. The baby is adorable. It does look like a little boy in the pictures. You look so good too. When I first saw the picture of you with straight hair, I was so shocked. I love your hair either way.. We love you. Pops and Noni

  7. You look great!! I am so excited that you have a blog now! Welcome to the addiction :) Can't wait to follow along and read about your pregnancy. Good luck selling your house. I will be right there with you in the double mortgage club :)

  8. Yay for baby hawk. I'm hoping that kashi bar was not contraband from a hotel in Atlanta. Mostly because that would make it really stale. And, please be a boy so I can be right. Thank you.


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