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LeaderSHIFT Academy

Each week I bring you a tip in the hopes that you not only enjoy the writing but you also implement positive change in your life. After months of planning I'm ready to take this a step further.

Making the SHIFT
It all started when I received my undergraduate degree and entered adulthood. I began to see something akin to an illness all around me.

No matter how many promotions I received or how high I climbed the corporate ladder it was still there, in every level of management.  Even after receiving my MBA surrounded by some of the smartest people I've ever met, there it was, the plague. 

What is this disease I refer to? The lack of sustainably* successful leadership. 

I threw myself into biographies, podcasts and personal development books with the sole purpose of understanding what made a sustainably successful leader tick. Why were there so few?

In July of this year everything fell into place. During a corporate event, Brendon Bruchard spoke about leadership and the job of leaders. He said "teach people how to think and challenge people to do more."  

I was sitting in the audience with my business partner and a fire was lit in us that day.  All the research was showing it's worth and we had a plan.

Over the next  month we identified 8 characteristics, leadershift laws, that sustainably successful people embodied. We redesigned training for our team, a how to guide of success, only this time it would be how to THINK.

In order for this to be successful it would require a paradigm shift in thinking. And so the term LeaderSHIFT was born. Without a willingness to shift your mindset, a true leader cannot exist. 

Who is LeaderSHIFT for?
As we finished the training materials an idea grew. This wasn't just for our team but for everyone we knew.  Leadership is all around us, when we come to the aid of others, when we express our opinions at work, how we raise our children. Leadership is what each and every person practices day in and day out.

Who wouldn't want to lead their organization, their family, themselves better? And for this reason this 30 day course is open to anyone looking for leadership guidance in all facets of their lives.

What is the LeaderSHIFT Academy?
This 30 day course covers the 8 Leadershift Laws with each week focusing on a different goal.
  • An Introduction to each Leadershift Law and why each is important
  • We will focus on tools and tricks to begin utilizing each law in your life on a daily basis through the choices we make. 
  • Learning how to apply the laws isn’t enough, you must fit them into your life, your own way. We will hone the tricks and tips into sustainable, meaningful actions for your everyday life. 
  • Making the Leadershift. It’s one thing to learn these for yourself but to lead others using them makes all the difference.
Are You Ready to SHIFT?
If you're ready to level up your life fill out the academy application and I will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your goals and what is included with the program.

Class starts September 25th and space will be limited so as to keep the class interactive and engaging.

I hope to hear from you!


*The word sustainable is important as I have seen managers burn the candle at both ends. I've seen bosses abuse adderall to finish a project on time only to crash 24 hours later. This my friends is not sustainable nor successful leadership.


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