Since revitalizing my blog we've talked about what career means to me and you've also gotten to know me through my faults. Now it's time to talk about the strong aspect of my life.
My Story
In 2012 I was blessed with a beautiful 60lb baby girl. Actually she weighed 7lbs 5oz but there was a small part of me, while pregnant, that thought I was either having twins or the world's largest baby.
Once home with a newborn I realized losing this weight was going to be even harder than I thought. My Stella slept in 45 minute stretches and then was up for feedings, changing or just random crying. How was I supposed to get back in shape living like this?
I decided at home workouts were my only hope. I started with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution with a friend. We emailed each other daily for accountability. The workouts were only 30 minutes and if another mom could fit in 30 minutes so could I.
An amazing friendship grew from the accountability emails but I also saw other changes.
When I started working out I had zero energy, weighed almost 200 lbs on my 5' 6" frame and had a lot of pent up anger. Putting myself first 30 minutes a day has helped me lose 60 lbs, sky rocket my energy and, most importantly taken away the anger I carried around so long.
During my workouts I could feel the stress leave my body. I would start a workout with a HUGE problem but by the end of the workout the problem seemed somehow more manageable.
I also was promoted to director of a department at work.
I was a more patient mother that had the energy to play with my speedy toddler.
I was a more understanding wife.
Why Career Moms?
That's when I decided more working mothers needed this same outlet.
I truly believe career minded women have the short end of the stick. We are working to build a career AND raise a family simultaneously. Do you know how much work that is? You literally cannot let either fall or you will feel like a failure. On any given day you may feel like your mistakes will either cause you to be homeless due to job loss or on the show intervention because you irreversibly screwed up your family. I sincerely hope you're laughing right now and realize that either end of this spectrum will most likely not happen, but on a daily basis it kind of feels like both could.
I think in life we are all pyramids. We are the first layer, the foundation of our own pyramids of which everything else is balanced on top. If you aren't a firm foundation you can't balance anything.
Do not think for a second that putting yourself first is wrong. You must fill your cup before you can fill others'.
If you want to be the successful woman that I know you can be you must first make this change.
The Journey Continues
In an effort to bring this lifestyle to more women, I scoured Jillian Michael's site to find any support or accountability, more workout variety. I came up empty-handed.
That's when I noticed a friend on Facebook posting about workouts she was doing from home. I soon learned she ran accountability groups on Facebook for at home workout programs. WHAT? Exactly what I was looking for! I signed as a coach immediately.
I feel I have a mission bigger than my corporate role. My mission is to help YOU find 30 minutes a day for YOU so that YOU can go out in the world and kick some serious butt.
It all starts with YOU and your choice to help yourself. YOU have all the power.
If you are serious about this change please email me and we can find the perfect workout for you to start giving to yourself.
My Story
In 2012 I was blessed with a beautiful 60lb baby girl. Actually she weighed 7lbs 5oz but there was a small part of me, while pregnant, that thought I was either having twins or the world's largest baby.
Once home with a newborn I realized losing this weight was going to be even harder than I thought. My Stella slept in 45 minute stretches and then was up for feedings, changing or just random crying. How was I supposed to get back in shape living like this?
I decided at home workouts were my only hope. I started with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution with a friend. We emailed each other daily for accountability. The workouts were only 30 minutes and if another mom could fit in 30 minutes so could I.
An amazing friendship grew from the accountability emails but I also saw other changes.
When I started working out I had zero energy, weighed almost 200 lbs on my 5' 6" frame and had a lot of pent up anger. Putting myself first 30 minutes a day has helped me lose 60 lbs, sky rocket my energy and, most importantly taken away the anger I carried around so long.
During my workouts I could feel the stress leave my body. I would start a workout with a HUGE problem but by the end of the workout the problem seemed somehow more manageable.
I also was promoted to director of a department at work.
I was a more patient mother that had the energy to play with my speedy toddler.
I was a more understanding wife.
Why Career Moms?
That's when I decided more working mothers needed this same outlet.
I truly believe career minded women have the short end of the stick. We are working to build a career AND raise a family simultaneously. Do you know how much work that is? You literally cannot let either fall or you will feel like a failure. On any given day you may feel like your mistakes will either cause you to be homeless due to job loss or on the show intervention because you irreversibly screwed up your family. I sincerely hope you're laughing right now and realize that either end of this spectrum will most likely not happen, but on a daily basis it kind of feels like both could.
I think in life we are all pyramids. We are the first layer, the foundation of our own pyramids of which everything else is balanced on top. If you aren't a firm foundation you can't balance anything.
Do not think for a second that putting yourself first is wrong. You must fill your cup before you can fill others'.
If you want to be the successful woman that I know you can be you must first make this change.
The Journey Continues
In an effort to bring this lifestyle to more women, I scoured Jillian Michael's site to find any support or accountability, more workout variety. I came up empty-handed.
That's when I noticed a friend on Facebook posting about workouts she was doing from home. I soon learned she ran accountability groups on Facebook for at home workout programs. WHAT? Exactly what I was looking for! I signed as a coach immediately.
I feel I have a mission bigger than my corporate role. My mission is to help YOU find 30 minutes a day for YOU so that YOU can go out in the world and kick some serious butt.
It all starts with YOU and your choice to help yourself. YOU have all the power.
If you are serious about this change please email me and we can find the perfect workout for you to start giving to yourself.
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