I've always had curly hair. My ability to tame it has progressed over the years to the point now where I don't wash it at all. Okay, I wash it but I only wash with conditioner. No shampoo for this girl. We'll get to that a little later. For now I want to show you Emily, the hair saga.
Like I said, I've always had curls. At an early age my mom kept it short.
I literally had Shirley Temple curls all over my head.
I only included this because I find this creepy and funny. Who sits down with the Sears photo people and says "I want an image of my daughter's head floating on the right side of this picture please".
As I got older I wanted straight hair. Everyone on TV had straight hair, my best friend had straight hair, heck even my mom had straight hair. So my Mom tried really hard to help with this endeavor.
My mom LOVED bows! In the next few images you'll notice the bow flare. At this point I wanted to play G. I. Joe and run around with swords like my brother. Bows and me didn't really go together.
This was one of my favorite hairstyles of all time! My mom made these intricate knots in my hair made such a cool mohawk looking thing on my head. I don't know why but even as a 6 year old I felt like a badass with my hair like this (as referenced in the picture). I also loved the red shoes in this picture.
Things took a turn for the worse as I got older. I'm referencing my hair but also my inability to turn this picture right side up. I went through a period of slicking my hair back into a ponytail with mousse and gel and hairspray. Yes, all three! I had to finish it with a bow of course.
I distinctly remember this day. We were in Washington D. C. and I was so embarrassed that my mom talked to a stranger (something I do all the time now). Looking at this picture who should have been the embarrassed one?
I'm not sure when I switched from slicking it back to this mushroom look but here ya go! And, as always, finished with a bow.....
By the time 5th grade rolled around I was rocking glasses, braces and of course the bow. Again, not sure what made me switch back to putting the majority of my hair up but I guess my mom let me roll with it since I used a bow.
Summer of 5th grade my hair didn't change but I got contacts and scrunchies! Hell yeah I did!
Summer of 6th grade I went through a sweatband for a headband phase. I would also comb my wet hair out as straight as possible and as it dried I was left with this. Did it get worse from here?
Yes, indeed it did. I decided if I had length to my hair it would force the curl to straighten. And once again I was proven wrong. (I think I look like Sean Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High here)
I then decided to go back to putting it all back and french braiding my hair. I can't french braid though so I had to make sure I got up early enough for my mom to do it for me. I also remember loving this outfit....hiking boots and a dress. (90s, why was your fashion so bad?)
In high school I started to let my hair do it's own thing, by the time I started college I was 100% in the zone with my hair. (This is one of my favorite pictures from freshmen year with my sorority family. These girls helped me feel comfortable in my own skin (and they loved my hair)).
After 2 kids my hair got increasingly curlier and I was introduced to Conditioner only washing or Co-washing as all the hip curly girls say. If you have curly hair I want to show you exactly how I do this. It's not complicated but showing is always easier than telling.
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