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Still Pregnant

It's Monday, March 19th and I'm still pregnant. I'm not due until March 25th but I thought for sure Stella would be early. Last week the midwife told me Stella was very low in my pelvis and I wouldn't make it to my due date. I immediately thought she would be born the next day. HA, I'm an idiot. That was a week ago and she's still snug as a bug in a uterus.

Here's a shot of my baby.
This picture was not taken at a fancy studio where I had various shots of my naked belly taken. No, this was taken in the Wal-Mart dressing room where I was trying on comfy pajamas that I will be living in for a few weeks post delivery. Yep, I'm so classy. Also, if you were wondering, I have gained 52 pounds. This is great considering that I was underweight to begin with. (I've never been underweight in my entire life.)

I'm pretty sure Stella weighs 30 pounds so I'll be in a bikini by March 30th. 

Stella has also decided to sit on my sciatic nerve. Oh joy. My left leg has been completely useless for 2 weeks.  I was debating cutting it off and getting a cool hook leg but, Sunday she moved off of it and is sitting really low in my back making walking difficult but sleeping much easier.

Needless to say I'm ready to meet my little girl.  Darren thinks she'll be here on Wednesday, I'm guessing Thursday or Friday now but any day this week is great for me.  I'm ready for an epidural now. :-)

I hope to update more frequently once I'm fully on maternity leave but I also realize how crazy that is. First baby, I'll be nuts.  My mom actually said to me "when you get home from the hospital you will be the only one that had their insides ripped out so you can be a raging bitch".  And that is why I love my Mom. My parents are coming for 2 (maybe 3 weeks) and that alone is keeping me from freaking out.

Being in charge of another human is scary as hell. Although everyday I'm reminded that I can do this. For example I had to go to the DMV to change my address on my license. I ended up needing a new picture....yes, 9 months pregnant. If jaba the hut and animal from the muppets mated their child would look like the image now gracing my license. The guy behind the counter said "I left your weight the same".  Gee, thanks dude. Everyone will believe I'm 140 pounds after seeing this glamour shot. I believe most people will think the person in the picture actually ate the 140 lb woman that once lived in the license picture.  But I digress.  As I was walking in to the DMV this man and his son were walking in front of me across the street. The little boy (probably 4) darted across the street. His father proceeded to yell at him for not staying with him and dropped 2 F bombs on the poor kid. I'm sorry but it was the father's job to hold his son's hand, oh and not swear at him! The little boy sneezed and I said bless you. I think that was God's way of evening out the brutal F bombs. The kid did sneeze twice so I got to say it twice.

Darren and I keep playing this game where we see Stella. I think these two pictures are a great representation of our little one.


  1. I love this post! I lost it when you talked about the license picture!!! Yea for Stella!!!

  2. Seriously, your belly doesn't look that big for 52lbs! I know the spot your at right now and there is nothing I can say that won't seem totally irritating and make you wanna punch me - so I won't make a date prediction, tell you it will be over soon, or (my favorite) enjoy being pregnant because its almost over! I will instead tell you that epidurals and percocets will jump you into motherhood on the right foot :)

  3. You are SO close! And maybe by now she is here! Cant wait to read about your birth and precious Stella!

  4. She is going to be even more precious than those babies. I can't wait. I know you are going crazy. We love you!


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