My famous last words. I have neglected to share our newest complication. On Labor Day weekend, Sunday to be exact, we went to Cumming for the day to look at houses. Because my bladder is about the size of an acorn now I knew I should pee before we leave. I used the half bath toilet, not thinking anything of it. The part of the toilet that connects to the waterline decided to split. We got home 5 hours later to a flood on our main level that had made it's way to our basement. Ugh. Although, this was fully covered on our insurance, whew! Over the last few weeks we have had various repair men in our house cleaning up the water installing new hardwood floors. I never see any of these people as I'm out about 12 to 14 hours a day. I have started calling the repair guys elves because I never see them but things are always different when I get home. For instance, last week I pulled in the driveway starving (as usual) and ready to cook dinner. I walked in...
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