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In-Laws and The Daycare Dilemma

Darren's parents came for a week. How amazing are these people. They cooked, fixed things and kept Stella! Seriously parents rule!

Darren's Mom and Step Dad live in California so they weren't able to be here when Stella was born. They were sweet enough to wait a few weeks so that we could get used to our new schedule.

This is when they first held Stella. As you can see, they are in love with her like we are.

Chich (pronounced Cheech, he's Ecuadorean), Darren's Step Dad, is an amazing painter (he's an eye doctor but happens to do a lot of great home repairs too!). When the people moved out of our house in December they left several nicks and holes in the wall from paintings and wall hangings. Chich went around the house mixing paints and finding the right colors and patched almost every room in some way! My house looks amazing.  He also made steak carne asada one night that was out of this world. I almost ate Darren's since he was eating so slowly.

Linda, Darren's do I adequately describe this amazing woman? She is just fabulous. While here she made several dinners that were out of this world (Chicken Parmesan and fried green tomatoes to name a few things).  She also wanted me to go out and have time for myself, she actually gave me $100 and told me to leave the house and buy something for myself for Mother's Day. (I bought some new shorts as nothing I own fits...more on that on another post)  She also kept Stella on Saturday so that Darren and I could go out to lunch on Cinco de Mayo just the two of us. I had wine at lunch, heaven.  We hung out at a Scottish pub (I know, wrong theme) and listened to a band that the next door Mexican restaurant hired.  It felt like a date which was really fun.  We talked about everything including Stella of course. Darren actually said he hopes our next baby is a girl too, melt my heart. (the baby we will be having in about 3 years, Merena is my friend :-))

Another wonderful thing about Linda. Darren and I had a slight dilemma while she was here. We went to go see Stella's new daycare and both really didn't like it.  I visited it when I was pregnant and I liked it. They had 4 babies and it seemed cheerful. On our visit together they had 10 babies and the room seemed old and small. I thought I was overreacting because I've been home with her for 6 weeks but we got in the car and Darren said "I'm not putting my daughter there".  I had a sigh of relief but a slight panic. How were we to find a new daycare so soon?  When we got home we decided to look online at the website my coworker had given us about daycares in GA. This is how I found our current daycare so it's not like we were leaving Stella in a hole but it just didn't feel like us.  We found The Goddard School not too far from our house, called and got a tour within 15 minutes.  We instantly fell in love, especially when we went into the infant room and I saw a name on the wall that I recognized.  One of my classmates from Georgia Tech had his daughter in the infant room! So many good signs! Except.....we couldn't get into the daycare until late October/Early November.  Maybe sooner but we were wait listed with 2 babies in front of frustrating.  The director said things always change so we may be able to get in much sooner but we won't know until they call us.  This is where Linda came into play.  First, she offered to keep Stella while we raced out the door for our tour, then when we got back she talked the decision through with us. She said "Stella's needs will be met at the first daycare, she will be fine, I got good vibes from that place. I know it's not your first choice but she will be fine for 4 months".  It really put things in perspective for us, Stella won't remember being there (unfortunately we will, I think those 4 months will be the longest of our life). Please pray we get in sooner than that!

I knew I was going to be overprotective of Stella and that going to daycare was going to be rough for the first month at least but I had no idea how much Darren felt the same way. He is so in love with our little girl it makes me cry. Before we went to the first daycare we ate lunch and Stella got fussy. Darren scooped her up and rocked her (always go to a country BBQ place where they have rocking chairs). I was trying to snap this picture before Darren saw what I was doing so he looks pissed off but he was actually smiling about 2 seconds before. You will notice Stella is sound asleep in her Daddy's arms. Darren is the king soother. He always wakes up with me at night to change Stella and sooth her back to sleep after I nurse her. Yep, every feeding he's up with me....I know I'm the luckiest woman in the world.  The first week we got home from the hospital I thanked him for getting up with me. He said "Sure, because she's just your kid". That made me laugh and he's right, she's OURS.


  1. LOVE the pic of the rocking chair:) The daycare situation is stressful for sure. Everything changes when the baby is actually here. Suddenly, things don't seem quite so perfect for the perfect baby:) I agree with Linda-she will be fine for the 4 months or so. You all will give her enough snuggle time to help her get through:)

    Love the posts!

  2. Um, I am DYING over the pictures of Darren's mom and step-dad looking at there. The love is just gushing from their eyes.

    The daycare thing. It really will be okay. Really. It is just part of Stella's journey. There is some reason for it somewhere. To make you appreciate the new one even more? Maybe you will meet an awesome new mommy friend? I don't know, but it will be okay. She will be safe and cared for... "her needs will be met." It really is fine, and I think she is having a pretty awesome dang life, so this won't affect anything. Why didn't I know this until now? It really will be okay.

  3. As a full-time daycare mom, I'm just going to warn you - it sucks. It sucks so bad. And not because the 1st daycare is not up to snuff. Even leaving her with a version of the Secret Service's Nanny Brigade will be hard. But that's only because you love her SO much. She will be happy, content, and so, so, so excited to see you every day when you pick her up. The daycare people will love her and care for her in a way that will make you melt a little inside - I still to this day remember fondly Miss Shirley who called me at home one evening to see if Jack was feeling better when he was out for 2 days with a sinus infection. They will never be a substitute for you - that's impossible. and it will always suck leaving her. But know that the place you have chosen to watch her will make her (and you guys) so happy. It is does get easier. I promise.

  4. Marlie went to 6 daycares by the time she was 2 - I was picky. And my best ones were in the home - but home daycares are very prevalent in MN - infant care at a Kinder Care is $1400/month - so there are a lot of home daycares. We toured Goddard in Knoxville but ultimately settled on a little daycare off Westland - but it will be awesome - and you never know, you might love the teachers at the other one. As far as leaving her - it sucks any way you slice it!

  5. I am a huge proponent of daycare. Jeremy stayed home with my husband for his first two years, and they both went insane. The minute he started school, he became a different child (though we also started speech therapy at the same time). Vi has been in daycare since she was 8 weeks old and we have loved it. It think it is all about the people, not so much the facilities. 10 infants seems to be too many, though. It is expensive, but I figure I am saving myself thousands in therapy for both my kids and myself if I attempted to stay at home with them. :)

  6. Daycare was HARD! I had the EXACT same situation. I didnt get into the one I wanted and had to settle on one that I wasnt in love with temporarily. One my first couple days back to work, John stayed home. That helped me ease into work because I knew Colt was fine with John. The next week and a half my mom came up and stayed with Colt. That way Colt got used to not being around me but still got one on one attention. Then it was time for daycare. It was horrible. I made myself sick and left early with a migraine (my boss was cool about me leaving early to get Colt.) When I got there early (which I liked because they werent expecting it), Colt was as happy as can be and I really liked his teacher after talking more with her. Everyday after that got easier and when the daycare of our choice opened up, I almost didnt move Colt but ended up moving him because it saved so much time on my commute. You will be fine! The first day is hard but everyday gets better :)


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