The answer is yes. She's still hanging out, not wanting to come out. I've been walking around as much as I can (she's on my nerves in my right leg now) and I made Darren pick up eggplant for dinner. I'm pulling out all the stops. Well maybe not the sex thing. I read that can sometimes prolong pregnancy and I'm not risking it. Plus, the logistics of it seems almost impossible. Although if I make it to Monday Darren might have to take one for the team! I have been working from home which has been a godsend! I went out to get the mail a couple of days ago and my neighbor was outside. She said "You still haven't had that baby yet? You're going to be wishing for these days in a few weeks". I wanted to punch her in the face. Then I talked to my best friend Nicole and she said I really would miss this time. Not that I won't love Stella but having time to myself and getting in the car whenever I want to run a quick errand will no longer be possible....
Building a career while parenting and living a healthy lifestyle