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Showing posts from March, 2012

Stella? Are you in there?

The answer is yes. She's still hanging out, not wanting to come out. I've been walking around as much as I can (she's on my nerves in my right leg now) and I made Darren pick up eggplant for dinner. I'm pulling out all the stops. Well maybe not the sex thing.  I read that can sometimes prolong pregnancy and I'm not risking it. Plus, the logistics of it seems almost impossible. Although if I make it to Monday Darren might have to take one for the team! I have been working from home which has been a godsend! I went out to get the mail a couple of days ago and my neighbor was outside. She said "You still haven't had that baby yet? You're going to be wishing for these days in a few weeks". I wanted to punch her in the face. Then I talked to my best friend Nicole and she said I really would miss this time. Not that I won't love Stella but having time to myself and getting in the car whenever I want to run a quick errand will no longer be possible....

Still Pregnant

It's Monday, March 19th and I'm still pregnant. I'm not due until March 25th but I thought for sure Stella would be early. Last week the midwife told me Stella was very low in my pelvis and I wouldn't make it to my due date. I immediately thought she would be born the next day. HA, I'm an idiot. That was a week ago and she's still snug as a bug in a uterus. Here's a shot of my baby. This picture was not taken at a fancy studio where I had various shots of my naked belly taken. No, this was taken in the Wal-Mart dressing room where I was trying on comfy pajamas that I will be living in for a few weeks post delivery. Yep, I'm so classy. Also, if you were wondering, I have gained 52 pounds. This is great considering that I was underweight to begin with. (I've never been underweight in my entire life.) I'm pretty sure Stella weighs 30 pounds so I'll be in a bikini by March 30th.  Stella has also decided to sit on my sciatic nerve. Oh joy. ...

I am Emily Frances

I first want to apologize for not posting for a very very long time.  Life has been INSANE! On Christmas eve morning my grandmother (Frances Mitchell) died.  This was actually a blessing.  She had a stroke in March of 2011 and really never was the same.  She couldn't see very well out of one eye after the stroke and had word finding issues which was nothing like the woman I knew and loved my entire life. This is a picture of my grandmother when she was in high school.  As I mentioned in my last post, this is one of the pictures in my wallet that helps me remember who I am and where I came from.  It's odd though, on the eve of becoming a mother myself it's like I feel this shift in my family.  My mother has moved into the grandmother role, I am the mother and Stella is now the granddaughter. I mentioned this to my Mom and she said she felt it too. After getting back into town after my grandmother's funeral I ran out of checks. I was ord...