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Showing posts from March, 2015

Hey Jude

This time Mitch actually baptized himself. He was so mad and wet. I had iTunes Radio playing rock and roll lullabies (because they are my favorite) and "hey Jude" came on. I immediately started singing along with the instrumental and Mitch instantly stopped crying and stared at me. This may be our song. 

Mitchell invasion

Born Mitchell Ryan Hawkins was born February 27, 2015 weighing 8lbs 1oz. Exactly what I weighed!  I ended up with a c section because this little guy was breech but I must say it was not bad at all! I'm glad I was in shape because the hardest part was walking the first time. I 100% believe I divine intervention and I think I was supposed to be in great shape to ready myself for this activity. My arms and legs are making up for my abs and I'm once again in awe of my body.  Stella   To make Stella feel special we had a birthday party for Mitch in the hospital and Mitch brought Stella a gift (a Minnie Mouse look and find book and a Minnie dress up set). We also had a cupcake cake. Stella was thrilled. (Mission accomplished!!) Grandparents What would I do without my parents and my inlaws. I am truly blessed to have so much support and love not only for Darren and me but especially for our babies. Seeing the grandparents with our second child was just as thrilling as when they...